Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

           There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries.  ~W.J. Cameron

Love, Casey and Kalli

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Little Madi's Major

Madison is really cute.

She is super darling, gets great grades, hasn't wrecked her car, is involved with school and church. Serious, you want your kid to be like her.

But, sometimes she is unintentionally, pee your pants, hilarious!

Casey was helping Madison look at college majors. She's going through the list, talking as she goes about why she wouldn't like this or that. She then comes across Naval Sciences. . . The following conversation ensues.

Madison: Naval Science.. WAIT.. .Naval?! That's the belly button! What do you...? How do you study the belly button?

(My mom and I stiffle some giggles. We are kind of used to these conversations and take full advantage)

Me: Yeah! It's one of the bachelor's for a lot of Doctors! You should do it!

She believed us for at least ten minutes before Casey was nice enough to tell her the truth.

Several weeks later, again we are discussing majors. Casey told Madison she should get her "M. R. S. degree" .

Madison: M - - R - - S ? What's that like?

Again, we gave her plenty of process time before telling her it meant getting married.

I love you, Madison and thank you for millions of laughs these past 18 years!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Twin.

Madison turned 18 on 12-12-12. Cool year to become legal right?!? Madison requested she grace the blog for the big 18 and hey, I like to grant wishes. So, Happy Birthday Madison! I love you and will share 18 memories.

1. Madison walked, no ran, on her hands and feet for years- much like a chimpanzee. She was freaky fast.

2. Madison struggles with mornings. As a young child, she would stay up til 3 or 4 am. She knew how to switch the movies on the VCR before she was potty trained. Then she would sleep all day long! She usually woke up around 2 p.m. as she was picked up from day care. Even now, she has friends call her to wake her up each morning. Hilarious!

3. Madison used some sort of Asian language for the first four years of her life. She was in her own world. At least she was happy there.

4. My mom used to take us to the mall. The trips usually didn't end well as Madison usually ran away. She could only be found by crawling on hands and knees looking for the moving clothes racks. She used to hide in the center of the circle ones and jump out and scare old ladies saying "Rawr"

5. Fairly certain I changed most of home girls diapers. I am also responsible for her reading skills, writing skills, and anything she does with her left hand. No one else could teach her.

6. On the rare occasion Madison was woke up she would often look at the culprit and say " Your breath needs a job."

7. Madison loves to play with hair, but not hair with product. She will rub the underneath layers of hair that are "silky". She's done it for forever. I think it probably drives her friends crazy now, but I love it.

8. Madison used to have talking hands that ate leaves. Their names were Jamie and Emily.

9. Madison has a mole on her arm. The dermatologist tried to remove it and Madison cried. After a biopsy, it turned out fine so she gets to keep it.

10. When young, Madison wore the ugliest shoes from Target. She called them her clock clock shoes. They were little mary jane's covered in sparkle glitter. She had red, gold, silver, and pink. Oh, and she wore them on her feet... and hands when she was monkey running.

11. Madison used to sit on the counter at all times. She would ask for sandwiches with " whipe, yellah, meap and cheese" .. Just in case that's not clear- lunch meat, mayo, mustard and cheese.

12. Madison used to have to be sedated for all dental appointments. :) Before that, it took four people to hold her down.

13. Once at Target, Madison cried in front of the stuffed animals. Not a mean cry, a sad one because she loved them all and wanted to take care of them at home. A passing shopper thought it was so sweet she bought her one to take home.

14. Madison and I wanted to adopt a little brother. We had an African American doll we named Ry. Madison's kindergarten teacher legitimately thought Madison had a little brother. Maybe because Madison made my mom carry it (as ya know, it was HER baby). His clothes changed each day, and he had a car seat. Ry still sits on the bed in Madison's room or the guest bedroom... and yes, his clothes still change occasionally.

15. Before she was born, her name was between "Madison" and "Kacey". Madison won because her cry was to wimpy to be a "Kacey".

16. She tells it like it is. Always has.

17. Madison stopped breathing once when she was tiny. She had to wear a monitor all night long. She often would hold her breath just long enough to make it go off then would start breathing again. We were glad she was okay, but it almost became a joke because she always did it when my dad had to wake up at 4 a.m. for work. It was like she knew.

18. Madison loves her family, friends and everyone she meets. She would do anything in the world for anyone and is such an example of Christ's love to all of those around her.

Happy Birthday Madison. I love you, and am so thankful get to be your big sister and have had the opportunity to watch you grow up.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The little things he says

Casey is an accountant. When I tell people that they nod and say things like, "oh that's good." or "that makes sense". Apparently, accounting makes people feel Casey is the balanced, normal one in our relationship. It's true. I need someone to tone me down as I am OUT OF CONTROL. Case is so laid back. He is by far the funniest person I have ever met though! I think it's because I don't expect it.

I just want to remember some of the little things.. even if they are only funny to us.

Case: (completely monotone) okay. Shall we have the groomsmen match?

Kal: Casey! The google says you should be able to feel the puppies. Go touch Basin's belly!
Case: (again monotone) I see it move all the time.

Casey told Kalli she could have an AMEX. He was going to order it the next day. The next week it had not arrived.
Kalli: Hey, where's my AMEX?
Casey: D*** mailman must have lost it.

Kalli and Nicki discussing ANYTHING wedding.
Casey: (rasies hand) what's a ___? (raffia, "Modge Podge" -he's still learning what it's called, flapper, toille)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wedding Help!

Remember how I'm getting married in 2 months and 4 days?

Remember how we have NOT taken any engagement pictures?

Remember my dress hasn't been altered and Case has not been measured for his suit?

Ceremony location- nope

Food planned- uuh... no

Invitations? Not even this....


These are some things I like.

Pink Piggy Design invitations #wedding- YES PLEASE! PERFECTION These ones from are to die for! . . . but, the pocket ones are more expensive and Casey's mom has a lot of friends.

Wedding invitations- wrap around address labels FOR SURE LOVE the address labels on these ones from

Just love this one... Not sure what about it. I like the embossed paper. The colors? I'm not sure. I'm just into it. Oh, and for sure into the paper sleeve that holds it all together. (

 DIY-Envelope-Liners. except with pictures I MUST have envelope liners. I want to do pictures... oh, but that would mean we need to take engagements. (

I just like the fonts and how the words fill up the paper on this one from

Mr. Laurence Wedding Invitations by Moglea at 
The simplicity of this one from

pattern sleeves + brown card-stock 
The kraft brown paper and sleeve on this one from Seven Swans Wedding Stationary

5x7 Announcement, Bold and Beautiful Style - Front

Love the border on this from

Striped wedding invites & stationery 

Just love (

LOVE these wedding maps 

A map like this must happen. It just must! From

These are only like half of my likes on pinterest! Check them out then HELP!

I am clueless!

Thursday, November 8, 2012



This one good thing, us, is so insanely much better than the bad, nasty guys were bad and nasty. 

It's different than just being in love. It's so much better. No matter what at the end of the day I always know where he stands. There are no games.

I definitely know I'm not settling. And, oh, that feels good.

It's just perfect. And, i'm so thankful that he's mine.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Tonight, my eyes are glued to my computer screen. I'm watching a map of my country change to varying shades of red and blue as each district reports their voters wishes.

I'm nervous.

And excited?

I love living in this country. I'm so grateful to those that came before me that worked so hard so that EVERYONE could have their voice heard.

So, I'll enjoy this map. Whether most of America agrees with me or not, I'm glad I at least get to say what I think and feel in the deciding VOTE.

(Poor Case may not agree... he had quite the wait this morning while he waited for everyone in front of him to let their voice be heard. )

Monday, October 22, 2012

Wendover Weekend

Little known fact about me- I LOVE Clay Walker. I am a huge old school country kinda gal. Clay, Collin, King George, Garth, Chris. Not so much on the Rascal Flatts bandwagon. I like the classics. Clay though, he's my man.

So, Ash got us all tickets to Clay Walker in Wendover. (side note- Ashlee, thank you for keeping me young and hip and planning Wendover trips. You keep me young lady.)

In attendance were: Ashlee's sister Nikki and her husband Brandon, a truckload of their friends, Casey and I, and Ash and Colton. Colton and Case are good friends so it made the car rides entertaining.

This was Ash and I's room. After we had all checked in, we realized the rooms were all sorts of messed up. A set of two couples was supposed to stay in this room. . . so Ash and I traded them only to realize this room was across the hotel. Huge bummer. Don't worry I left a comment card telling them how I felt. ( and by "left" I mean I wrote it because Ash laughed, which only encourages me, and then took it home in my bag)

  Curiously enough, our photographer was NOT intoxicated.
 Please excuse the red eyes. My poor eyes burned for days! That place has so much smoke it's painful!

 Ashlee and I with red eyes. Pre concert.

  . . . it takes us awhile to be satisfied with our photos.

 I start to get REALLY bored with pictures and begin to behave like a child. Picture proof here. .

 Note to self: You cannot take pictures in the dark. You WILL be unsuccessful.

Clay was his amazing self for sure. I don't think Casey quite knew what he was getting in to. I sing along. I sway. I dance. I yell to the performer. What can I say, I'm a good time.

Post concert we got dinner and gambled. My rule on gambling (because I could easily become addicted) is to only spend what I would normally spend on an activity (like a movie, or dinner). So, I started with $20. I'm scared of the big tables so whilst Colton and Case played 21, Ash and I played the video machines. That way I can bet a quarter and get LOTS of free drinks!

We finally went to bed at 2.

The next morning we woke up and met for breakfast. The tables were empty so the men convinced us to hit up a table. It was so fun when it was just 4 of us. The this crazy intense lady came and started playing two hands at once! Confused the heck outta me. And this grumpy guy. He hated me because I hit a hand.. worked in my favor, but ruined his hand... my bad...

Then Ash won $50 on roulette. So of course I had to try. I was $80 and then lost it within 26 seconds. What a let down. I wanted to win it back but my financial planner reminded me that I am addicted and need to stop. :)

Can't wait for the next trip!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Casey's 28th Birthday. Part 4

                Remember Sunday? The day before Casey’s birthday. That was the day I decided to give him most of his presents. He already got one shirt the Saturday before- to wear to his party. Plus, the week prior he and I went to Ross and picked out a t-shirt. 

                His legit present came on Sunday though. 

Casey got: 

1 . An outfit


Courtesy of Buckle 
  { Bke 'Seth' , Hurley boot camp t }

2.Some shirts from Cal Ranch and Boot Barn. He is very in to the snappy shirts right now.
  . . . This similar one can be found on Ebay. No worries, Casey got 3. His future wife is OUT OF CONTROL!

3.THIS chair.

Just in case it's not's a JUMBO banana chair! 
Case is a "has everything already" kinda person so I thought I was way creative when I got this for the man's in the living room! Awh crap! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Casey's 28th Birthday. Part 3

                Monday, the 16 was Casey’s real birthday. He had to work all day to prep for a big meeting that day as well as one on Tuesday. Birthdays around the 15th aren’t great for accountant people. The Mr. should have picked a different profession, simply to accommodate his birthday. 

                After work, I met him at his house and let him pick wherever he wanted for dinner. Casey hates being the “dinner picker” and kept asking what I wanted. I refused to pick. Finally, after a bit of a drive he chose Slackwater in downtown Ogden. It sounded like a great idea until we were stopped by the horse and buggy parade going down Washington Blvd. 

                We ended up at Brick Oven in Layton. I got some sort of all you can eat thing. They kept bringing me slices of pizza. Winning. Casey got endless pasta. He loves that stuff. 

                Then we went to the mall and looked around Dick’s Sporting Goods. It was fun to discuss all the adventures and sports we might one day try. 

                It was a fun, relaxed day and I loved getting to spend Casey’s birthday day with him.

You Ran Into What?

Prefix: Currently, I live with my parents.

Justification: I got a new job last month and Case and I aren't getting married til January giving me a 4 month gap.

Just so it's clear: Love it. Love them and I'm so grateful I get a bedroom. And food. And my family's funny.


They live a bit west of civilization. We have a pet goat. Neighbors have chickens. That kind of place.

So, you never know what you are going to see when driving home.

Historically, I'm usually the last one home. Once I almost ran into a black cow! It was in the road. I'm not that bad of a driver. It was in my space, not me in hers. Just clarifying. We then had to go rope it and put it away. That however was at least a year ago, so I had long forgotten to LOOK OUT.

I've been reminded.

In the past two weeks, I've almost hit 2 (underline, bold!!!) skunks! 2! The first one was running across the road and I had to slam on my brakes. It was at the earliest 11:30 at night so way to go fast reflexes on that stop. And, I'm soo lucky it didn't spray.

Then, not even 3 days later, skunk again. This time at least he was walking on the side of the road. I still had to slow way down so I didn't spook the fella.

So that brings us almost to the point of the story. Me driving home late the other night. Seriously, thought I was off my rocker. I may have been driving fast. I was so far beyond tired. I needed to get home. It was pitch black. Not kidding, here come 3 HORSES down the middle of the road right in front of my car. RUNNING! I was so scared I'd lost my mind.

Ran home, got my day and some rope. Yes, they were our horses running down the road. By the way there were 4 not 3, no idea how I didn't hit the 4th one.

Naughty horses that can unlock the gate got put it in a different pen for the night.

And it's now normal for ANYTHING to be coming down the road.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Casey's 28th Birthday. Part 2

                The day before Casey’s birthday his mom had a family gathering. (side note: we spend almost every Sunday at Mama Holmes. It’s Casey’s only meal worth writing about for the whole week. ) ­­­ Casey chose a pasta bar for dinner. Yummy. I had to work that a.m. and came late but there was still plenty of lasagna, fettuccini, and spaghetti. 

                After dinner, everyone drove up to Casey’s house (our house? Weird. Better ask the Mr. where we stand on the whole who’s is who’s business) Weber State U does fireworks in between the 4th and 24th and they always fall right around Casey’s birthday. From the driveway, you get a perfect view minus the traffic. No lie, the neighbors come watch with us.  While waiting for fireworks we ate ice cream and text harassed Corie Sue trying to get a firework start time. 

                Best part- walking inside instead of fighting traffic. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Casey’s 28th Birthday. Part 1

                I come from a family that believes in birthday weeks (or months. Smile. ) I began asking Casey what we should do for his birthday in May. After much hounding, he said he wouldn’t mind having a BBQ in the backyard. 

                I began thinking of invitations and themes. VETOED

                Casey said we should just text everyone to invite them. Party pooper. 

                After inviting everyone himself (he even changed the RSVP contact to himself. Lame), the party planning was underway. Casey and I had a horrible week leading up to his party Saturday. 

                He and I shopped for nutritional ingredients at Target the night before the party and went to dinner at Chili’s after. Since we were struggling I was worried about the party. Then after we left each other at the restaurant (we met up after work at Target), I caved. I followed him home. When I got there no lights were on. I was worried he hadn’t gone home. I broke in through the garage. {I’m not creepy at all.} I walked in just as he rounded the kitchen corner. Neither of us said anything for a long time. We just hugged. In the dirty bachelor pad kitchen. And, it was perfect. I knew we’d be fine. 

                Back to the party, Ashlee and I decided it should have a bit of a baseball flow (remember no themes). So off to Zurchers we went a few days before the party. I got a plastic tablecloth, centerpiece and OF COURSE a piñata. 

                The party was a hit. We disturbed the bees on the basketball hoop.

                All his besties came.

                After it all, we took a nap. 

                Casey’s favorite parts- the baseball cupcakes and everyone that came. He said it was the most people that have ever come to his birthday! Score 10 points for Kal right there.

                I’m not quite Betty Crocker yet, but he sure does love me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wait for it...

Guess what? . . .

We may have actually decided a wedding date! 

It only took a month! AND lots of discussing and deciding with really important folk that need to be there. It may be decided though. MAYBE. Everyone hold your breath and cross your fingers and toes!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Surprise I Found

My work has different incentive programs and each quarter you get tickets. Then they pull tickets out of a jar and you win prizes. It's actually way sweet. People have won t.v.'s and iPads. In the very first drawing I won my beautiful, amazing Kindle. It changed my life! I LOVE IT! I've won lots of gift cards, and a popcorn maker. Anyways, I love company incentives. 

So, after I started dating Casey I won this little beauty.

Casey loves Noodles and Company. He was excited! We went to dinner a few weeks later. While at dinner, he asked me what else I had won. I told him some of my prizes and also mentioned I had won a video camera a loooong time ago but hadn't done anything with it because I don't have babies and what else do you film? Casey asked all about what kind it was and etc. The next day I took a picture and sent it to him.

Home boy was freaking out. Apparently, it's way legit. (side note: if my boss sees this. I really do love it and am grateful I won. I just never did anything exciting enough to film. We use it like crazy now!) Since he loved it so much, I let him keep it at his house. He always seemed to take it with him which was helpful when we got engaged. After, I asked if I could take it home to put the pictures on my laptop so we could document the blessed event and look at the gem I found.

He and some of his teammates wanted to work on their swing so they made videos from different angles. I have many a more videos like this. 
I love him.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Granny's Birthday 2012

Remember that week where we had a million and a half things going on and mid week we went and saw Gran for birthday lunch?
Let's discuss why Gran was so important.

I freakin love this lady! Look how cute she is!

 You're jealous. I know.

 We call her Granny because she thought "Grandma" sounded too old when I was little. She's pretty spry so "Granny" works. When I was little she'd give me 40 crows and tip me upside down and pretend to sweep the floor with my hair! Awesome right? Anyways, we had to go visit Gran to extend birthday wished and to show her my new rock collection.     

We made the trek up to Idaho to take Gran to birthday lunch. When we got there we ran to the salon to get Granny a pedicure. By ran to the salon I mean- ran to the salon, ran to the gas station ATM to get cash and charged a fortune for it (small town businesses don't use debit cards), went back to the salon, and barely made it to Granny's before she got home from work.

Granny picked Stevo's for lunch. It's a yummy, yummy burger joint! We should have took more pictures. I got a Caesar Burger. So good. Casey and Gran got burgers too, but I don't remember what kind. Then, Casey decided they needed a shrimp appetizer.
Apparently, we should all take note of this Stevo's establishment because these shrimp are more jumbo than normal.

We went back to Granny's for Casey's nap whilst Gran and I worked on the dreaded wedding guest list. (I love all the people we are inviting, but making sure we get addresses correct is a stress! My mom does NOT keep current addresses from anyone so thankfully Gran does)

Before leaving we HAD to see the garden. It's doing very well this year and Granny is very proud. I had to text pictures to all my aunts.
She's presh. Love her. 

Happy Birthday Gran Muff.



Family Weight Loss Challenge Competition

Right after Case and I got engaged we (my parents, Case and I (Madison just rolls her eyes and plays along)) decided it was time for "Family Diet". Now don't get me wrong, I don't plan on being stick skinny. It's just not my body type, but I would like to be LGN- ya know?
So....Family Diet goes like this. Everyone puts $20 into the diet jar. Whoever loses 10% of their body weight first gets ALL the money. (5 people = $100) Now do you see why Madi plays along?
Our levels of commitment vary. I'm pretty sure both the men folk say the word "diet" and immediately drop ten pounds! So frustrating.
I may need a little encouragement. I love food! A LOT! No reward will ever stop me from loving this! I just need to learn to love healthy foods.

Here's the rules:

Yes, we do hang them on the fridge. We are THAT classy.

The foods I should cut out of my diet include:

- Coca Cola Classic
- McDonald's
- french fries, bread, chips, and pasta
- Coke!!!

I hope I can do this. I love me some soda. After all, it's drink-ability did just official get approved.

...wish me luck! I'll need that $100 to buy some new pants!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Slow Down and Enjoy Being Engaged

     Some of the best advice I've gotten in our two weeks of engaged bliss so far has been to slow down and just enjoy being engaged. A soon as we got engaged, EVERYONE asked if we had a date picked. Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful people are happy for us and want us to make it official. I love it. I can't wait to make it official either. If you know me though, I don't ever stop. So, I thought guest lists, budgets, dresses, dates, and receptions. It was kind of an overwhelming week anyways and we just kept adding more to-do's.
     Right now, we took a step back and we don't have a date anymore. It's okay. Once things settle down (like the end of this week! :) we will pick one again. We'll decide a location. We'll decide on his ring. Right this minute, I just want to be engaged. All this planning and crafting will get done in time. I just wanna enjoy my main squeeze.

Cuz I kinda love him a lot! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Two Best Days at Wolf Mountain

      Casey and I usually have Sunday dinner with his family at his mom's house. He text me and said we had spent the whole day with everyone the day before and asked if he could make me dinner at his house instead.

Inside I was in a panic, I was hungry! What on earth was he thinking he could cook? Who would turn down family dinner? It's good!

 I said, okay and at about 4 he came and picked me up.

       On the way to "his house" he asked if I was hungry. Neither of us were quite hungry yet so he suggested we go drive to Snow Basin "to see how it looked since our ski passes are there."

Side Note: The day before he wanted us to go up there to get our pictures for our passes then we had a crazy flash storm.

Should I not have been tipped off?

    Casey was pretty quiet.Once again, good thing I just talk non-stop. We drove and drove. I noticed a couple of nice spots to look out and prompted Casey to stop. He did not. I kind of thought it was a bit rude, but whatever. He literally drove us through the parking lot of Snow Basin.

 Didn't even stop!

 Nervous much?

I knew something was up at this point. On the way back down the mountain, we stopped at a look out point and Casey grabbed the camera. WEIRD! We are NOT picture taking folk. So, I talked a lot and kept walking away from him. Now I was way nervous. I learned a lot about a bird called a "warbler". (or something, like I remember now, but it was one of those nature board things)

Then we took pictures and LEFT!!!

 This day is weird. What is going on? Did he chicken out? Change his mind? Does he just like weird activities and really wanted to check out the snow less mountain?

So, then he turns left to go home instead of right (either way will eventually take you home). I say "oh, are we stopping by Grandma Holmes? (maybe we want to wish her happy birthday again??)"  Casey replied, "uh. We can. We have to go somewhere else first."

As the drive continued, I got nervous. I began talking and QUOTING the Honey Boo Boo child. I am forever embarrassed and have shamed myself once again. Casey looked at me and said, "STOP! You cannot talk about this NOW!"

We pulled up to a closed Wolf Mountain.

Side Note: I'm like Hannah Hall Monitor. I DO NOT LIKE TO BREAK RULES. I can't cross a street without a crosswalk. I can't stay out too late. I like to be a law abiding citizen.

Therefore, the caution/ closed tape and barriers we a bit rough for me. We climbed around ( :) sowing my wild oats right here! ) and walked to my favorite bunny hill. Casey tried to direct the conversation (he is SO good for me.) and asked how I felt the last time I was on this mountain.

"my pants were TIGHT"
"I can NOT board"
"this is going to be bad... I'm going to embarrass myself"

Yep, I'm the girl who went that direction with the conversation. Then, I took it sentimental, but I'm keeping that for us. Sorry.

Then we stopped walking, and stood. Casey hugged me.

I quoted more movies that WE WILL NEVER MENTION.  Casey said he liked me. Or, maybe he used that L word and got on one knee. IN THE WEEDS. I was freaking out. I told him we could pretend he kneeled.  He really did it though, and asked. Then we probably kissed. He almost dropped my ring and I told him to put it away so he didn't loose it. I asked to look at his knee. Make sure I didn't have to use the Weed Be Gone on it later.

The question "you didn't hire a secret photographer so we can keep kissing right??"

So we did :)

We took a few pictures then talked- just us. It was most definitely one of my favorite conversations ever. Casey said what he really wanted to say (he was previously a bit nervous) and it was the best ever. Oh, and that part is just for us too.


Your future wifey loves you. Please buy us this now

Love your EC

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Real Date- March 10, 2012

     After our bunny hill adventures, Casey and I had a real date. You know- the kind where the boy asks the girl and she says "of course". For our date, Casey had a group of his friends over for a BBQ. Low key. Note: I FEAR eating in front of people. I'm not good at it. Work, dates, any eating events. I struggle! I'm left handed so I bump into other diners, scrape the plate with my knife. I need lessons! It terrifies me! Therefore, I really appreciated the chill atmosphere.
     Casey still teases me that I didn't like his grilling. Love his grilling, just hadn't eaten in front of him before. It's fine now, I eat like my cow at the feeding trough self.
      Then we played "Curses". Case ended up across the table from me so we proceeded to text each other during the game as well.
      Everyone went downstairs after to watch the Real Salt Lake game on t.v. Case and I played ping pong for a bit before chatting on the Love Sac.

Dear Love Sac inventor/ makers,
Thanks. Best second/ first date ever
 Love, Kal

      Of course, I'm leaving out a few details. Just know, Casey's cute. I have a pretty big crush on him.

Sittin On A Bunny Hill- March 7, 2012

I feel as if our posterity should know MY SIDE of our story. I foresee a Grandpa Casey giving his own tall tale many years from now. Let’s continue.
                After meeting Casey and hanging out a few times, he mentioned he liked to spend extra time on the mountain. In his family, lots of sports are played including snowboarding and skiing. Rewind a few months and you would know I just got a brand new snowboard (I had only been once in my life and for some reason felt good enough about it that I should have gear. . . uum whatever. I guess it worked out) So, I have this new snowboard collecting dust and it’s March. NEVER GONNA USE IT.
                I decide Casey and his brother Matt should be the lucky ones that get to accompany me on the bunny hills. I figured if I had a group go, they could leave me at my level and could go to the black diamond courses. Then I could say I went with a group, I still don’t have enough self-confidence to go alone apparently.
                I write Casey on Facebook (loser alert) and tell him we all should go boarding. He agrees and we plan a night after work to go night boarding (grown up jobs that make you work all day. BOO) Casey tells me to meet at his house at 5:30.
                I spent the day looking into nursing schools- great for my future, bad because I did not leave enough time to go shop for extra gear (goggles. Didn’t have time to get a helmet. STILL NEED ONE! Maybe for Christmas this year? Cough, Case?)
                I got to Casey’s house around 6. His brother Matt was just getting home off the mountain. I panic, I’m supposed to be going with everyone. If it’s just Case and I it’s like it’s a date. This can’t be a date. It’s a group thing. I CANNOT BE THE ONE THAT ASKED HIM OUT FIRST. UGH. I’m that girl. For forever.  Bad, bad, bad.  So, Matt takes one look at my board and starts laughing. I had put the bindings on all wrong- thank you google search. Fail. He and Casey begin to fix it as I go change. While changing I realize my snow pants from junior high are a little tight. Weird. Suck in the muffin top and let’s go. I walked out and asked Casey and Matt if this place took cards or I needed to run get cash. They looked at each other and said, “both”. (side note: I am famous for making things awkward, I’m still thinking/ wanting no date here. I asked him. Gross)
                The drive up to Wolf Mountain was so fun. Previous to this day, I thought Casey was nice and I wanted to be his friend, but that’s all I knew. He was quiet. And…mature. I just didn’t realize I was feeling his vibe. Back to the drive, I’m decent at coming up with enough random questions to fill drive time so that was good. I learned a little about Casey.
                We get to the hill, and begin gearing up- boots, hats, goggles (remember , I had to showcase my new purchase). I pulled out my debit card and asked Casey to hold it in his pocket. My pants were kinda tight. Just saying, don’t know if I could have held a debit card on my personage. He said “you don’t need this”. I exclaimed that I definitely did and he did not need to pay for me as we were just boarding and it was my idea.
                (oh, ps. Casey skis. Who is going to help me now? ) We go to the window to get our tickets. Casey buys two . He’s cute like that. I thank him and feel like a dweeb. Now he’s wasted money. I only bunny hill! He wasted money for me to bunny hill!
                Here’s where he starts raking in the points. I can’t even make it to the lift I’m so bad. Poor boy continues to sit with me every time I fall, help me up and just wait super patiently. I let Casey know that I definitely DO NOT do ski lifts. He assures me we will be fine. He had to essentially pick me up and put me on the lift. This “date” is so embarrassing! We get to the top. I’m beyond nervous. This is where I’m really really bad at snowboarding. Casey put his arm around me, pulled me in close, and carried me off the lift. Seriously, he is the sweetest boy in the whole world. I’m swooning. He didn’t leave my side for the next three hours. 97% of those hours were spent SITTING on the bunny hill. He was there every time. Never once did he leave to go ahead of me. He never once rolled his eyes, told me to hurry, or questioned why he came with me. He started making videos on his phone of my skills. …Maybe he just wanted to enter America’s Funniest Home Videos? He was a gem. Complete perfection. At the very end of the night, I did insist he go down a real run. I waited at the car happily. Snowboarding is freakin’ exhausting people!
                On the drive home, we talked more. I found out he went on his mission to Russia (find out more about our church here). I asked him to speak to me in Russian. And oh, speak to me he did. Amazing. Swooning. In Heat. Whoa, baby. We got home way too fast.  He helped me load all my stuff in my car and played with my phone for a really long time. (side note- of course he was doing some kind of number exchange, but let’s all pretend he was really sneaky. Good for a man’s ego)
                Sadly, all perfect first dates must come to an end. Sooner than we wanted since someone had to work the grave (yeah, snowboarding, grave, full day of work the next day. I’m a horrible scheduler).
                On the way home, I had a perma- smile. It hurt it was so big. You know how they tell you one person will be different? He is. I knew it right then. Of course, I tried to call my mom. She had a migraine and I got Dad instead. He was really happy and excited I had a lovely evening, but it wasn’t quite the mom reaction I was hoping for. I called Ash, his cousin. Then Allie. The smile just never left. It was too good. He is just perfect, everything I’ve ever needed.
                I got to Brigham City and decided to check out my phone. I had texted a strange number “hey. How are you?” Oh so Casey texted himself from my phone. I responded with “well, I don’t know how are you?” It continued from there. We haven’t stopped texting, calling, and spending time together since.