Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Alfonzo's Story

Casey and I have two adorable dogs. Before we got married, we each had 1. They complete our family of 4 and I often refer to them as the adorable twins. They are my favorite. They are always happy when I come home and I just love them. Anyways, I just wanted to share their stories over the next day or so.

Once upon a time, I was dating all kinds of bad ideas. I am fairly certain I was more depressed than I was willing to admit. I had just gotten out of a really long bad gig and felt 'meh'. (Haven't we all been there?) I lived about an hour away from my family so I went home to visit on weekends or at least for Sunday dinner.

<it's vital to the story to note that my family lives far far far out into the country. Mother commonly refers to it as "Egypt">

So, on this particular weekend we were staining an old door outside (every crafter knows it's an outside project). This dog kept wandering near us. He was calm and just had that look in his eyes. You know the one. I asked my mom who's dog it was. He was so sweet and country dogs wander. No big deal. My mom didn't know. But after some haggling and "your dad will kill you" we gave him food. I sat and petted my new pal for quite some time. I felt attached. I just knew this fella was in my life for a reason.

My dad came home and let us know he was a stray. He knew because he saw the dog being dropped off out out out in the far away lands of pasture and range. {Folk have been known to bring animals they don't want and just leave them. Please come back to this post when you stop crying over that}

I took it upon myself to name him "Alfonzo" and he started to hang with the neighborhood gang. Yes, all the dogs are besties. He was everyone's dog. He sort of meandered and hung out. I was happy. My friend had food and lots of love.


Dun dun dun...

He was gone! So was our neighbors yellow lab. Off to the pound they went. Naughty dogs. So, little Madison diligently called the pound. The pound stated that Alfonzo was chipped and his name was "...okay I won't tell you. In case his first owners ever see this and feel bad about their crime to my pal". The pound called those first owners and they said they sold him to a family in the country, but they couldn't remember their name..shady. So, my new friend, Alfonzo was going to be put down in 24 hours unless someone adopted him from the pound.

I cried.  I lived an hour away and couldn't have a pet. One of my parents neighbors would surely adopt him, right? There was some reluctance because it was expensive and some already had dogs. I called my dad. I called my mom. I cried. Madison cried. If I paid to adopt Alfonzo, Madison and our sweet neighbors would go pick him up.

Alfonzo lived at my parents for about a year. Then I moved home and got married. Finally, Alfie came to live with us! He is my very favorite in this whole world. Sometimes he gets into some crazy shenanigans, but hey he learned that from his mama (obviously that's me). He is a very picky eater. He only likes certain people foods. :) He loves going for walks, especially with Case because he goes faster. And when he gets excited he wags his tail like crazy. His other nicknames are: Relly Belly, Thunder, and Thunderbutt (that tail could kill a ho) oh, and sometimes he sits on the couch. It's absolutely precious. Casey gets mad. It is against the rules and he IS getting better at not disobeying.

We love him and he definitely completes our little family.

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