Monday, October 22, 2012

Wendover Weekend

Little known fact about me- I LOVE Clay Walker. I am a huge old school country kinda gal. Clay, Collin, King George, Garth, Chris. Not so much on the Rascal Flatts bandwagon. I like the classics. Clay though, he's my man.

So, Ash got us all tickets to Clay Walker in Wendover. (side note- Ashlee, thank you for keeping me young and hip and planning Wendover trips. You keep me young lady.)

In attendance were: Ashlee's sister Nikki and her husband Brandon, a truckload of their friends, Casey and I, and Ash and Colton. Colton and Case are good friends so it made the car rides entertaining.

This was Ash and I's room. After we had all checked in, we realized the rooms were all sorts of messed up. A set of two couples was supposed to stay in this room. . . so Ash and I traded them only to realize this room was across the hotel. Huge bummer. Don't worry I left a comment card telling them how I felt. ( and by "left" I mean I wrote it because Ash laughed, which only encourages me, and then took it home in my bag)

  Curiously enough, our photographer was NOT intoxicated.
 Please excuse the red eyes. My poor eyes burned for days! That place has so much smoke it's painful!

 Ashlee and I with red eyes. Pre concert.

  . . . it takes us awhile to be satisfied with our photos.

 I start to get REALLY bored with pictures and begin to behave like a child. Picture proof here. .

 Note to self: You cannot take pictures in the dark. You WILL be unsuccessful.

Clay was his amazing self for sure. I don't think Casey quite knew what he was getting in to. I sing along. I sway. I dance. I yell to the performer. What can I say, I'm a good time.

Post concert we got dinner and gambled. My rule on gambling (because I could easily become addicted) is to only spend what I would normally spend on an activity (like a movie, or dinner). So, I started with $20. I'm scared of the big tables so whilst Colton and Case played 21, Ash and I played the video machines. That way I can bet a quarter and get LOTS of free drinks!

We finally went to bed at 2.

The next morning we woke up and met for breakfast. The tables were empty so the men convinced us to hit up a table. It was so fun when it was just 4 of us. The this crazy intense lady came and started playing two hands at once! Confused the heck outta me. And this grumpy guy. He hated me because I hit a hand.. worked in my favor, but ruined his hand... my bad...

Then Ash won $50 on roulette. So of course I had to try. I was $80 and then lost it within 26 seconds. What a let down. I wanted to win it back but my financial planner reminded me that I am addicted and need to stop. :)

Can't wait for the next trip!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Casey's 28th Birthday. Part 4

                Remember Sunday? The day before Casey’s birthday. That was the day I decided to give him most of his presents. He already got one shirt the Saturday before- to wear to his party. Plus, the week prior he and I went to Ross and picked out a t-shirt. 

                His legit present came on Sunday though. 

Casey got: 

1 . An outfit


Courtesy of Buckle 
  { Bke 'Seth' , Hurley boot camp t }

2.Some shirts from Cal Ranch and Boot Barn. He is very in to the snappy shirts right now.
  . . . This similar one can be found on Ebay. No worries, Casey got 3. His future wife is OUT OF CONTROL!

3.THIS chair.

Just in case it's not's a JUMBO banana chair! 
Case is a "has everything already" kinda person so I thought I was way creative when I got this for the man's in the living room! Awh crap! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Casey's 28th Birthday. Part 3

                Monday, the 16 was Casey’s real birthday. He had to work all day to prep for a big meeting that day as well as one on Tuesday. Birthdays around the 15th aren’t great for accountant people. The Mr. should have picked a different profession, simply to accommodate his birthday. 

                After work, I met him at his house and let him pick wherever he wanted for dinner. Casey hates being the “dinner picker” and kept asking what I wanted. I refused to pick. Finally, after a bit of a drive he chose Slackwater in downtown Ogden. It sounded like a great idea until we were stopped by the horse and buggy parade going down Washington Blvd. 

                We ended up at Brick Oven in Layton. I got some sort of all you can eat thing. They kept bringing me slices of pizza. Winning. Casey got endless pasta. He loves that stuff. 

                Then we went to the mall and looked around Dick’s Sporting Goods. It was fun to discuss all the adventures and sports we might one day try. 

                It was a fun, relaxed day and I loved getting to spend Casey’s birthday day with him.

You Ran Into What?

Prefix: Currently, I live with my parents.

Justification: I got a new job last month and Case and I aren't getting married til January giving me a 4 month gap.

Just so it's clear: Love it. Love them and I'm so grateful I get a bedroom. And food. And my family's funny.


They live a bit west of civilization. We have a pet goat. Neighbors have chickens. That kind of place.

So, you never know what you are going to see when driving home.

Historically, I'm usually the last one home. Once I almost ran into a black cow! It was in the road. I'm not that bad of a driver. It was in my space, not me in hers. Just clarifying. We then had to go rope it and put it away. That however was at least a year ago, so I had long forgotten to LOOK OUT.

I've been reminded.

In the past two weeks, I've almost hit 2 (underline, bold!!!) skunks! 2! The first one was running across the road and I had to slam on my brakes. It was at the earliest 11:30 at night so way to go fast reflexes on that stop. And, I'm soo lucky it didn't spray.

Then, not even 3 days later, skunk again. This time at least he was walking on the side of the road. I still had to slow way down so I didn't spook the fella.

So that brings us almost to the point of the story. Me driving home late the other night. Seriously, thought I was off my rocker. I may have been driving fast. I was so far beyond tired. I needed to get home. It was pitch black. Not kidding, here come 3 HORSES down the middle of the road right in front of my car. RUNNING! I was so scared I'd lost my mind.

Ran home, got my day and some rope. Yes, they were our horses running down the road. By the way there were 4 not 3, no idea how I didn't hit the 4th one.

Naughty horses that can unlock the gate got put it in a different pen for the night.

And it's now normal for ANYTHING to be coming down the road.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Casey's 28th Birthday. Part 2

                The day before Casey’s birthday his mom had a family gathering. (side note: we spend almost every Sunday at Mama Holmes. It’s Casey’s only meal worth writing about for the whole week. ) ­­­ Casey chose a pasta bar for dinner. Yummy. I had to work that a.m. and came late but there was still plenty of lasagna, fettuccini, and spaghetti. 

                After dinner, everyone drove up to Casey’s house (our house? Weird. Better ask the Mr. where we stand on the whole who’s is who’s business) Weber State U does fireworks in between the 4th and 24th and they always fall right around Casey’s birthday. From the driveway, you get a perfect view minus the traffic. No lie, the neighbors come watch with us.  While waiting for fireworks we ate ice cream and text harassed Corie Sue trying to get a firework start time. 

                Best part- walking inside instead of fighting traffic. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Casey’s 28th Birthday. Part 1

                I come from a family that believes in birthday weeks (or months. Smile. ) I began asking Casey what we should do for his birthday in May. After much hounding, he said he wouldn’t mind having a BBQ in the backyard. 

                I began thinking of invitations and themes. VETOED

                Casey said we should just text everyone to invite them. Party pooper. 

                After inviting everyone himself (he even changed the RSVP contact to himself. Lame), the party planning was underway. Casey and I had a horrible week leading up to his party Saturday. 

                He and I shopped for nutritional ingredients at Target the night before the party and went to dinner at Chili’s after. Since we were struggling I was worried about the party. Then after we left each other at the restaurant (we met up after work at Target), I caved. I followed him home. When I got there no lights were on. I was worried he hadn’t gone home. I broke in through the garage. {I’m not creepy at all.} I walked in just as he rounded the kitchen corner. Neither of us said anything for a long time. We just hugged. In the dirty bachelor pad kitchen. And, it was perfect. I knew we’d be fine. 

                Back to the party, Ashlee and I decided it should have a bit of a baseball flow (remember no themes). So off to Zurchers we went a few days before the party. I got a plastic tablecloth, centerpiece and OF COURSE a piƱata. 

                The party was a hit. We disturbed the bees on the basketball hoop.

                All his besties came.

                After it all, we took a nap. 

                Casey’s favorite parts- the baseball cupcakes and everyone that came. He said it was the most people that have ever come to his birthday! Score 10 points for Kal right there.

                I’m not quite Betty Crocker yet, but he sure does love me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wait for it...

Guess what? . . .

We may have actually decided a wedding date! 

It only took a month! AND lots of discussing and deciding with really important folk that need to be there. It may be decided though. MAYBE. Everyone hold your breath and cross your fingers and toes!