So, Ash got us all tickets to Clay Walker in Wendover. (side note- Ashlee, thank you for keeping me young and hip and planning Wendover trips. You keep me young lady.)
In attendance were: Ashlee's sister Nikki and her husband Brandon, a truckload of their friends, Casey and I, and Ash and Colton. Colton and Case are good friends so it made the car rides entertaining.
This was Ash and I's room. After we had all checked in, we realized the rooms were all sorts of messed up. A set of two couples was supposed to stay in this room. . . so Ash and I traded them only to realize this room was across the hotel. Huge bummer. Don't worry I left a comment card telling them how I felt. ( and by "left" I mean I wrote it because Ash laughed, which only encourages me, and then took it home in my bag)
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Please excuse the red eyes. My poor eyes burned for days! That place has so much smoke it's painful!
Ashlee and I with red eyes. Pre concert.
. . . it takes us awhile to be satisfied with our photos.
I start to get REALLY bored with pictures and begin to behave like a child. Picture proof here. .
Note to self: You cannot take pictures in the dark. You WILL be unsuccessful.
Clay was his amazing self for sure. I don't think Casey quite knew what he was getting in to. I sing along. I sway. I dance. I yell to the performer. What can I say, I'm a good time.
Post concert we got dinner and gambled. My rule on gambling (because I could easily become addicted) is to only spend what I would normally spend on an activity (like a movie, or dinner). So, I started with $20. I'm scared of the big tables so whilst Colton and Case played 21, Ash and I played the video machines. That way I can bet a quarter and get LOTS of free drinks!
We finally went to bed at 2.
The next morning we woke up and met for breakfast. The tables were empty so the men convinced us to hit up a table. It was so fun when it was just 4 of us. The this crazy intense lady came and started playing two hands at once! Confused the heck outta me. And this grumpy guy. He hated me because I hit a hand.. worked in my favor, but ruined his hand... my bad...
Then Ash won $50 on roulette. So of course I had to try. I was $80 and then lost it within 26 seconds. What a let down. I wanted to win it back but my financial planner reminded me that I am addicted and need to stop. :)
Can't wait for the next trip!