Saturday, October 26, 2013

October Goals= COMPLETE

You heard me, world!
It's only October 26 and I completed all of my October goals! This girl rocked the house! If you don't remember my goals were here-October Goals. Now that you've read the goals you can judge my excitement. But whatevs, they are still done!
1. Our Halloween Costumes rocked the ward party {because we are old and go to that. Sigh}
2. WIN on Ebay. Yeah, this happened. And Casey has no idea so if we could all keep that on the DL that'd be real chill
3. General Conference was awesome! I love me so church at home in jams on the couch. And we get the Ensign so we get to read them all soon as well as I watch and listen to them from my phone. (website here)
4. I ate enough candy for 4 people and the month isn't over. I make weird goals. Whatev.
5. The baby shower deserves and will get it's own post. .. when I become a better blogger. Don't let the suspense kill ya ;) 

Happy October World. You were so good to me!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Apple Cinnamon Water

Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water Recipe

I found this water recipe Pinterest and shockingly enough I REALLY like it! It really makes me drink more water, and tastes so much better then plain old tasteless water!
 It's probably easiest to just search "apple cinnamon water". So yummy!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

North West

Old news, but I need to be real with my concerns here.

I've been researching all day, and guys, I think Kim and Kanye really named their baby 'North'. I keep thinking it's a huge secret because they are being oddly private with their baby in their extremely public life. This blog is a no judgement zone, I really like the name North. It's different, but pronounceable. They didn't spell it all awkward like.

Let's be real with the deal breaker. Kids last name is WEST. And the TMZ birth certificate doesn't even list a middle name. For reals? (I still think it might be fake, is anyone with me on this?)

Back to my super important, I need to be heard, point. Our last name is 'Holmes'. Seriously, besides Sherlock, what can I not name my kid?. Almost nothing.

What is the one name that I love? Not even love, but LLLLOOOVVE.


You guys, I love it. I love the 'ph' that the 'F' makes. I love how it looks written in cursive. I think it's a solid name.

Yet, my last name is Holmes. And alas, I cannot have Foster Holmes.

{side note: Foster homes are a great thing and I am in no way bashing them, I just think you can't name your kid something that is already something. Does that make sense?}

I've pleaded with Casey to take my maiden name instead but he will not. Maybe Kim plead with Kanye too. Unfortunately, we aren't famous so it won't fly for us.

Let's all mourn the name that we can't have and can someone, or everyone, please name their babies "Foster" for me?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

President Holmes

So, about a week ago Casey called me and told me he got a call and we needed to meet with our Bishop the next day. On Sunday, which in this story is obviously the next day, we had a missionary farewell to go to. Following that, we went back to our church for the meeting. For those of you that have had the pleasure of being in on of these meetings you know what happened next. Might I also add, that one knows that one married a spiritual giant when they ask to speak to you alone first. Anyways, let's keep a little suspense for what's next shall we?

The following Sunday, Casey sat up with the Young Men to pass the sacrament. We don't have tons of little Priesthoods so they usually borrow the Young Men's Presidency.

Side story: Case walked up to sit with them and they didn't even let him sit on the end. The moved him right to the middle of the pack so they could all chat it up. They think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread {Bishop's words not mine, but he's not wrong.}

Anyways, there was much ruckus from those first two rows when they released the Young Men's President AND Casey as the Young Men's 2nd Counselor. Then those first two rows went cray cray pointing at Casey and JUMPING (quite literal jumping) off of the bench. For those of you not quite guessing the ending [or not reading the title, which would be embarrassing as the reader], Casey was then called to be the new Young Men's President.

I absolutely love Casey's interactions with the Young Men. He really is such a good example and I know he is perfect for his calling. It has been a change. We had just decided quite a few other life changes, but it's okay if the Master's programs and Ph. D's come later. We're going to go with the Lord's timing on this one.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Missionary Night

As noted, Casey is in the Young Men's Presidency. Tonight, they had a missionary night. They asked about ten people from the ward to set up a table to display their mission. Then everyone in the ward was invited to bring a friend and learn about the gospel. It was awesome, and I loved tagging along!

Casey served in the Russia Yekaterinburg mission. (Have I yet mentioned how much I love when he speaks in Russian? Swoon.) Some other missions included: Italy,  Detroit, Portugal,  Mexico, and Japan.
This is one of the hats he had displayed. Apparently, it's the kind one would wear to a party. (To which I add: a party at the palace with Anastasia!!?!) 
This was the tablescape. Case was in Russia when Preach My Gospel came out. Again, notice all the hats. We have MANY pictures of him on his mission wearing the fluffy one on the top right. The one on the top left is for special occassions. It still has the price tag on it. Apparently, our January wedding did not meet specialty requirements.
After, we went to Aloha Grindz to pick up some din. It was pretty good and we ran into a friend of mine from high school. Crazy! 

Such a fun night with my favorite fella. 
Lastly, this night gave me some amazing ideas for Casey's Christmas present!! I can't wait!

October Goals

Woot woot! A fresh month of goals! I am only doing fun ones! Those other months with their heartfelt, serious, self improvement goals were a SNORE! Let's have some fun!

1. Think of a kickin Halloween costume! Someone puh-lease have a party.
2. Order a million scrapbooking accessories on eBay, because let's be real "Winning" is fun. PS- They call it winning, yet it still costs money. < PPS- No one tell Casey I already completed this goal today>
3. Enjoy some GC with the main squeeze
4. Eat lots of candy! It's only Halloween once, don't waste it!
5. Plan {another} baby shower! This is my first one for a boy! Stoked!

Only 5, and I think they are all very attainable this month. I'm excited to report some success with this goal business. [ And how about a little positive feedback for having my goals up on the first day of the month!] 

Dear Casey

*He reads the blog, he just won't ever tell you about it.*

Last night, I think you were mildly annoyed and frustrated with me. It didn't matter. You still came home from scouts and made burgers on the grill as I had requested.

in the rain.

You didn't complain. You didn't even get mad when I burnt the French fries. {I forgot about them again when you went back outside. We just didn't tell you that part}

After dinner, you went downstairs to get some extra work done so you would be prepared for meetings this week. The whole time I have known you, you have never once complained about having to work late or do more.

Saying "I love you" doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for letting you pick me. You are by far the most amazing man I have ever met and you are more perfect for me than I ever realized someone could be.

Thank you for choosing me.
