Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Some Tuesday's Are Terrible

Today was a little bit rough. I'll be real with you- my week is on a downhill, going no where positive and getting there fast.

But I have to say how insanely blessed I am. I absolutely could not have gotten a better life than I have. Casey had to be to work early this morning. Before he left, he made my breakfast. When he got home, he helped clean the kitchen and made his own dinner so I could go out with a friend. When I got a text that hurt my feelings, he was the first person I called and instantly I felt a little better. He is my sounding board, and times a million the best choice I have ever made.

Work was semi-unpleasant today. It was busy. And stressful. My co workers and friends listen, and they are so amazing. I have never once had to beg for help, because EVERYONE is always willing to do what they can to lend a hand. I love what I do every day. God gave me this opportunity because it makes me a better person and I am so thankful for it each and every day.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November Goals

People, it is time to get serious! Last month's goals were a HUGE success. (Please note that they were all super easy) However, I super loved accomplishing all of them as well as some other MAJOR accomplishments that I will talk about later. So, November at the Holmes' house is getting serious! (Duh, I've said serious twice. I am really cracking the goal whip on myself)

1. DO MY VISITING TEACHING.- I can't handle the phone calls and the tone of the voice on the phone when I say it's not done. I feel like a drug addict that has had a fix again. That's the type of disappointment I feel.
     Side Note: We have a meeting at church tomorrow to go over visiting teaching. I suck. I get it. Sad day.

2. Make more neighborhood/church friends. (This is shameful considering my goal above.) Casey is very well known around these parts and I want to know people too. We go to activities and I am his shadow. I haven't branched off and met people. I started adding wardies on facebook. It's a cry for help, no joke. I need friends. My friend from work (I can make friends there just fine) Alycia, recommended a game night. It is happening.

3. Make and take my lunch to work at least two times each week. { This is a work goal. My co-worker Ben and I have started making monthly goals so we can stand out. This one is just so don't waste so much money and keep gaining weight}

4. Keep up to date on the book of the month. Again, a work goal. The Associates (Jordan, Ben and I) plan weekly meetings to read books and better ourselves. We did it with our HAM radio tests so now we are reading the book 'Crucial Confrontations'. Ben and I have a bet- if it's not read on time you owe the other person a soda. And I am loud and proud that I ALWAYS beat the boy associates. I'm the office rookie. I gotta make em work for their advanced status.

5. Family Organization Board. People, I am getting real here! It's going to have a planning calendar, grocery list, MENUS. Mediocre is not happening.

6. Make the Christmas shopping list. And a list of winter activities! No wedding planning this year! We are going to have some fun!

I think 6 BIG goals for November is plenty. It is the holiday season after all! I will report back at the end of the month!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

October Goals= COMPLETE

You heard me, world!
It's only October 26 and I completed all of my October goals! This girl rocked the house! If you don't remember my goals were here-October Goals. Now that you've read the goals you can judge my excitement. But whatevs, they are still done!
1. Our Halloween Costumes rocked the ward party {because we are old and go to that. Sigh}
2. WIN on Ebay. Yeah, this happened. And Casey has no idea so if we could all keep that on the DL that'd be real chill
3. General Conference was awesome! I love me so church at home in jams on the couch. And we get the Ensign so we get to read them all soon as well as I watch and listen to them from my phone. (website here)
4. I ate enough candy for 4 people and the month isn't over. I make weird goals. Whatev.
5. The baby shower deserves and will get it's own post. .. when I become a better blogger. Don't let the suspense kill ya ;) 

Happy October World. You were so good to me!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Apple Cinnamon Water

Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water Recipe

I found this water recipe Pinterest and shockingly enough I REALLY like it! It really makes me drink more water, and tastes so much better then plain old tasteless water!
 It's probably easiest to just search "apple cinnamon water". So yummy!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

North West

Old news, but I need to be real with my concerns here.

I've been researching all day, and guys, I think Kim and Kanye really named their baby 'North'. I keep thinking it's a huge secret because they are being oddly private with their baby in their extremely public life. This blog is a no judgement zone, I really like the name North. It's different, but pronounceable. They didn't spell it all awkward like.

Let's be real with the deal breaker. Kids last name is WEST. And the TMZ birth certificate doesn't even list a middle name. For reals? (I still think it might be fake, is anyone with me on this?)

Back to my super important, I need to be heard, point. Our last name is 'Holmes'. Seriously, besides Sherlock, what can I not name my kid?. Almost nothing.

What is the one name that I love? Not even love, but LLLLOOOVVE.


You guys, I love it. I love the 'ph' that the 'F' makes. I love how it looks written in cursive. I think it's a solid name.

Yet, my last name is Holmes. And alas, I cannot have Foster Holmes.

{side note: Foster homes are a great thing and I am in no way bashing them, I just think you can't name your kid something that is already something. Does that make sense?}

I've pleaded with Casey to take my maiden name instead but he will not. Maybe Kim plead with Kanye too. Unfortunately, we aren't famous so it won't fly for us.

Let's all mourn the name that we can't have and can someone, or everyone, please name their babies "Foster" for me?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

President Holmes

So, about a week ago Casey called me and told me he got a call and we needed to meet with our Bishop the next day. On Sunday, which in this story is obviously the next day, we had a missionary farewell to go to. Following that, we went back to our church for the meeting. For those of you that have had the pleasure of being in on of these meetings you know what happened next. Might I also add, that one knows that one married a spiritual giant when they ask to speak to you alone first. Anyways, let's keep a little suspense for what's next shall we?

The following Sunday, Casey sat up with the Young Men to pass the sacrament. We don't have tons of little Priesthoods so they usually borrow the Young Men's Presidency.

Side story: Case walked up to sit with them and they didn't even let him sit on the end. The moved him right to the middle of the pack so they could all chat it up. They think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread {Bishop's words not mine, but he's not wrong.}

Anyways, there was much ruckus from those first two rows when they released the Young Men's President AND Casey as the Young Men's 2nd Counselor. Then those first two rows went cray cray pointing at Casey and JUMPING (quite literal jumping) off of the bench. For those of you not quite guessing the ending [or not reading the title, which would be embarrassing as the reader], Casey was then called to be the new Young Men's President.

I absolutely love Casey's interactions with the Young Men. He really is such a good example and I know he is perfect for his calling. It has been a change. We had just decided quite a few other life changes, but it's okay if the Master's programs and Ph. D's come later. We're going to go with the Lord's timing on this one.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Missionary Night

As noted, Casey is in the Young Men's Presidency. Tonight, they had a missionary night. They asked about ten people from the ward to set up a table to display their mission. Then everyone in the ward was invited to bring a friend and learn about the gospel. It was awesome, and I loved tagging along!

Casey served in the Russia Yekaterinburg mission. (Have I yet mentioned how much I love when he speaks in Russian? Swoon.) Some other missions included: Italy,  Detroit, Portugal,  Mexico, and Japan.
This is one of the hats he had displayed. Apparently, it's the kind one would wear to a party. (To which I add: a party at the palace with Anastasia!!?!) 
This was the tablescape. Case was in Russia when Preach My Gospel came out. Again, notice all the hats. We have MANY pictures of him on his mission wearing the fluffy one on the top right. The one on the top left is for special occassions. It still has the price tag on it. Apparently, our January wedding did not meet specialty requirements.
After, we went to Aloha Grindz to pick up some din. It was pretty good and we ran into a friend of mine from high school. Crazy! 

Such a fun night with my favorite fella. 
Lastly, this night gave me some amazing ideas for Casey's Christmas present!! I can't wait!

October Goals

Woot woot! A fresh month of goals! I am only doing fun ones! Those other months with their heartfelt, serious, self improvement goals were a SNORE! Let's have some fun!

1. Think of a kickin Halloween costume! Someone puh-lease have a party.
2. Order a million scrapbooking accessories on eBay, because let's be real "Winning" is fun. PS- They call it winning, yet it still costs money. < PPS- No one tell Casey I already completed this goal today>
3. Enjoy some GC with the main squeeze
4. Eat lots of candy! It's only Halloween once, don't waste it!
5. Plan {another} baby shower! This is my first one for a boy! Stoked!

Only 5, and I think they are all very attainable this month. I'm excited to report some success with this goal business. [ And how about a little positive feedback for having my goals up on the first day of the month!] 

Dear Casey

*He reads the blog, he just won't ever tell you about it.*

Last night, I think you were mildly annoyed and frustrated with me. It didn't matter. You still came home from scouts and made burgers on the grill as I had requested.

in the rain.

You didn't complain. You didn't even get mad when I burnt the French fries. {I forgot about them again when you went back outside. We just didn't tell you that part}

After dinner, you went downstairs to get some extra work done so you would be prepared for meetings this week. The whole time I have known you, you have never once complained about having to work late or do more.

Saying "I love you" doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for letting you pick me. You are by far the most amazing man I have ever met and you are more perfect for me than I ever realized someone could be.

Thank you for choosing me.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Primary Program Debut

At church, we had our primary program today. All the kids age 3-12 have been practicing songs for months (and the older kids years) to sing today in front of the whole ward. I am in charge of the 4 year olds. Since I am a convert to the church, I've never been in the program before so all week I've been inviting everyone to come to my debut. {Thanks Casey for being the only one to witness my debut} The program was the last hour and twenty minutes of church. So the first hour and forty minutes were spent practicing.  Some laughs and sweet thoughts are listed below.

- The sunbeams are all boys. During practice, they made guns with their hands and pretend shot things.
-soo many reminders "this is the chapel"
- 4 bathroom breaks!! Including one in the middle of the performance.  Awesome.
- one little boy had a CTR ring.. yeah, he got it stuck on his thumb.
-Each kid had a speaking part. My favorites were "I can take care of my body by eating healthy foods like broccoli." And "I can take care of my body by keeping it clean and getting my hair cut." Rock on boys.
-I, and 95% of the kids, do not know 'I am a child of God' in spanish.
- 4 year old boys cannot be left unattended in the bathroom.
-nore can they redress and tuck in their shirts. Whatevs. I let em look hard core with shirts untucked for the program.
-"teacher, does the bread come now?"
- I don't think my class sang most of the songs. Thats a lot to remember when you're 4.
- Afrer our speaking parts one little girl came back and exclaimed, "I get to go to preschool tomorrow." Yeah, I think the front 3 rows heard.

Anyways, they rocked it and are super cute kids. They just really need to stretch their bladders.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wedding Day- Temple Pictures 01.17.13

 How cute is this guy? I sure love my dad.

 Sigh, cute red coat Mom.

 The Sisters!
 I sure love this tall fella

These are just a few of our favorites. I can't seem to get enough. I swear our whole house is decorated in wedding pictures!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Judge Away

As a wife, sister, daughter, director, student, CNA, decorator, cleaner I OFTEN feel inadequate. I think it's a woman thing. And might I just say how thankful I am for Casey. He tells me it's ridiculous. He reminds me to stop comparing myself to others. He reminds me it doesn't matter. And I'm so grateful that I'm finally catching on!

So, I'm going to be real-

○ I love visitors. It terrifies me when people don't call first. I definitely don't wear a bra after work and I think our house is a pig sty.
○love our dogs. Hate their hair. It's impossible to keep clean. Or at least for me. I judge myself when people come over.
○I sucked in college. I'll be real. Going back makes me sick to my stomach, because I am afraid of failure.
○Casey is crazy smart and we are talking about Masters programs. Intimidating.
○Casey makes more money then I do. By a lot. I once got called a gold digger. While I'm not, it still affects me at least weekly.
○I never finish my craft projects. The last one sat inside the front door for two weeks.
○I need to loose some weight. I just love food and coke so much. I feel like a blob when I see pictures of me.
○I am addicted to coke. (The liquid beverage, obvi)
○I had a few really bad years. I am so thankful I am no longer miserable. But man I wish I could get those years back.
○I only snowboard the bunny hills. I'm a slow learner.
○I wish I was better at my job.
○I miss being a CNA and want to keep my certificate current, but again I worry I don't have enough time to be good at it.
○I didn't do my visiting teaching from May to August.
○Teaching Primary is hard. Really hard.
○I don't go to the temple enough.
○I've made cookies for the neighbors once. It's about the same number of times I've made them in my life.

Okay, I've had enough. I feel so free. I only write this because it needed to come out. No one is perfect! I can't look at others lives and compare their accomplishments to where I feel mine are lacking. I work full time. My house probably isn't as clean as someone elses. My job is hard, we probably do eat out more than most families.  I'm freakin tired when I get home. But I'll get there. I'll get good at this wife stuff.

Then we'll have a baby. And life as we know it will change again.

Happy Wednesday.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Monday ◇9am-12am
Tuesday ◇9am-5pm
Wednesday ◇8am-5:30pm
Thursday ◇9am-7pm
We aren't even through the week and I'm almost to 40. 


The life of a real life grown up. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy 6 Months- July 17, 2013

Casey and I have been married 6 whole months. Phew, we've crossed all the hurdles. I kid. I kid.

In 6 months, we have

1. spent an amazing week in Cancun 

2. spoke in church and got our first callings. (Young Men's Presidency and Primary)

3.hung pictures on the wall. No more bachelor pad (ish) We still have projects.

4. went to Park City for my birthday and stayed at the fabulous Park City Hotel

5. Went camping with Casey's family in Bryce Canyon

6. Ran our first 5K on July 4 and celebrated Casey's 29th birthday

Of course this isn't it. Just a brief overview of life in general. We have had so much fun so far and we love being hitched.I sure do love this fella.

To celebrate, Casey sent me flowers at work. Then we went and got gas in my car and got a little fro yo at Cherry Berry. It was really low key, since we have celebrated like crazy all July. <and already went out twice that week for Casey's Happy Birthday>

Sunday, July 28, 2013

August 2013 Goals

July was apparently not a great goal setting month for me. Time just passed way too quickly. ( or insert your own lam.e excuse here)

Therefore, I am starting August goals a little early. I need a 3 day head start! I really like to write my goals and post it because I feel like then I have to do it. It's awkward if I don't. Also, you may look at my goals and think they are way lame and easy. I set small goals. I'm into attaining them. :)

1. Blog More- at least once a week. I want a book of awesome! I plan on making a book each year for our anniversary. After I start completing this goal maybe I'll add in some old stuff
2. Schedule Better- at work. at home. I swear I'm always in a scramble. I can't do it much longer peeps. I need to be ahead of life curve balls.
3. Spend Less, Save More. This one is of course put in place by the accountant. We eat out way too much. It's that scheduling this coming back to bite me. Each week we have a budget that we can't spend over. It includes going out to lunches or dinner, ordering food in, gas money, house decor, etc. It does not include groceries. Thank goodness!
4. Learn to Coupon. I don't plan on being a crazy couponer and hitting up multiple stores. I just do not have the smarts or patience and energy for that. Even just using a few coupons here and there. $5 saved is $5 for Dirty Coke! Yeah Buddy!
5. Exercise 20 minutes, 3 x/wk. We started this and really did okay. After our 5k we took an extended break and haven't gotten back to it.
6. Cook dinner 2 x/wk. I am not a chef. It is just not an ability I have. I am workin on it!
7. Eat better. Some of our goals mesh together. If I cook more, we eat at home which is healthier and better for us. If I coupon I can get more groceries for cheaper and not feel like I am wasting money on food I'll forget to cook.

Does anyone else have to set goals in order to feel accomplished? If I don't I just wonder what the heck I wasted my life on this month.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


I started a new job right after we got engaged. As in I was offered the job two days later. Wow. It was definitely no coincidence that the open position and promotion at my work changed from Salt Lake to Weber County. I was so excited.

It has been the hardest job I have ever had in my life.
It's not just 9-5, but a constant. It's 2 a.m. phone calls and Sunday afternoons. It's always.
 I have never felt more inadequate or overwhelmed.

In December, I had to do a training for some of the staff. There were two groups. After the first training, I walked into my office and cried. I emailed my boss and said I couldn't do it. It had went horrible and it didn't make a difference. While I waited for the second group, I got on my knees and prayed. I prayed the training would go well and I could help these people know how important they were, how vital their job was. I don't remember what I said different in the second training. I do recall one person crying and thanking me for making her feel like I cared. I know I went into that second training with a new mindset and with the spirit.

I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father.

I am so grateful for the ability to communicate with Him whenever I need him and especially when I feel that it is too hard to continue.

I'm so grateful for the MANY examples I have had on how to be better each day. I am forever inspired by all of those in surrounding offices. For that boss of mine who never fails to answer his phone after hours. For those who call me their boss, but who teach me far more than I could ever teach them.

And today, it's when I had all but given up. It's when I was at a complete loss. It had been hours with no solution and no light at the end of the tunnel. And I once again prayed to my Heavenly Father. Prayed for the calm following the storm. And as it always seems to, when I felt I was at my end. It changed.

And it was calm.

Oh, how grateful I am for the power of prayer. IT WORKS. I hope that everyone has the opportunity to grow closer to Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for the many options we all have as to how to draw closer to him. I am grateful to whatever religion that makes you feel closer to Him. I hope everyone has the same amazing feelings I do. I hope everyone feels the Savior's love. It is more than I could ever ask for and I am so thankful for the chance I have had to receive the gospel in this lifetime.

It is the best. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Casey Holmes for the Win

Guys. Casey is funny.
Real funny.
I think I have laughed more in these 5.75 months then in all my 25 years.

Today's funny:

Back story- I bought a 20 x 40 canvas print for above our stairs. We are having family over for Casey's birthday Sunday and the canvas is on our ping pong table which I am going to assume is going to see a lot of action.

Our coversation this morning is as follows-
Kal: Casey, do you think the Perez' have a ladder we could borrow just for like 20 minutes to hang that picture?
Casey: probably
Kal: or maybe the other neighbors since the Perez' just had a baby?
Casey: yeah.
Kal: because I really want to hang that picture so it won't be in the way.
Casey: or we could just use the ladder we have in the backyard.

Seriously?!? Who even freaking knew there was a ladder back there?! This is coming from the girl who thought we had stainless steel appliances the first 4 months of our marriage. In my head our house is fabulous. ....appliances are really 1990's cream.

Oh and the canvas is still on the ping pong table. Guess that ladder needs my help gettin down the stairs. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Work It

I'll be super honest. Aside from taking dance, in which I exerted as little energy as possible, I have never worked out. There would be a day here and there. I've bought items from every infomercial, but they look much better before being utilized.

One of my co workers wanted to start a workout program each day before work.

Doing P90X.

I'm not going to pretend I'm any kind of Richard Simmons. I am insanely proud of myself for getting to work by 7:30 each morning and attempting each exercise!

So week 1 is done. Obviously, my Friday workout clothing is a bit more opinionated thanks to Nike. But I was there! My legs will tell you all about it!

One day, I'm going to rock a hawt bikini bod!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Birthday Present Ideas for the Hubs- Help!

Casey's birthday is in one month and one day. I begin planing his birthday and presents in about May (before my birthday). Last year, you can see Casey's birthday here { Part 1 ,  Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4 } This year, I HAVE NO IDEAS. None.

That's a lie. I have ideas. I just don't know if I love any of them.

1. A cruise. It sailed on his actual birthday. This one I had to talk to him about. He wasn't super into it and thinks we should do it for our anniversary instead. Which is fine, since I can eat junk all summer then work on my swimsuit bod in the fall. :)

2. A recliner. But he is sooo picky. He has sat in at least 75 different chairs at the store and not liked any. I am not picking that out alone!

3. Camping gear- again it has to be specific and I don't want to get it wrong. . . I may still go with this idea. So if you have great camping stuff you love tell me what it is.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated people! I'm lost.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Seriously, he is the cutest ever. He was so proud of his matching! No one tell him they are WAY different oranges!

He is my favorite!

May Goals Follow Up. . .

May was long and I am sooo glad it's over. It was a little busy and stressful for this old gal, but accountability improves actions so here is how my goals went:
1. Read the scriptures more. This was a big fat fail and you better believe it's being continued to a June goal.
2.Cook 5 new meals. . . I think I was at 3. oops. 
3. Go to the Temple. Super ridic that we live in Utah and failed this one. And unacceptable for sure. 
4. Finish wedding thank you cards. ...this failure is getting worse. We are on page two of 8! Progress is key. 
5. Drink less soda.. if I haven't had a soda by 12 I start fading. But eventually I'll get there! 
6. Sack lunch. This goal is a joke. Never did it. Oh wait, I did once. . . for the whole month
7. I most definitely accomplished this goal. My mom turned 50! Now all that's missing is the posts on her fabulosity. 

So May was definitely not my best. I do however think it's important to set goals and go over them when they are supposed to be finished. I do feel like we did so much in May so I think June will go better. It's June 4 so let's get some June goals up!

Summer Softball Nights

Summer at our house begins with lots of softball. Last year when we were dating I went to tons of Casey's games. This year last week was my first one. Sorry husband!
Case is playing on two teams this year. Which is a sharp decline from the 5 last year.
Last thursday they won both games! Go husb.
Here's the funny thing though- if they are so many points ahead after certain innings they call the game due to the run rule. Well, the boys dont like that because then they don't get to play the whole hour so after 3 or 4 innings they all switch positions. The new pitcher usually hits the player, Case misses flies, and Matt and Case try to help each other then miss things.
....yeah, they still won.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Professional Dog Trainer

Nothin but the best for our dogs.

This was the dog training sesh last night.

In my kitchen. :)

Love it

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Goals

1. Be more diligent in reading scriptures
2. Cook 5 new meals (I'm into setting goals not overachieving)
3. Go to the temple
4. Finish wedding thank you cards (this is a no judging zone peeps. I've been busy!)
6. Pack a sack lunch for work 2 days/ week
7. Plan and execute something fabulous

Domestic Kitchen- Mac N' Cheese

After Case and I got married I decided I had to learn to cook. It's been almost 4 months. Casey can count on two hand the number of meals I have made. I AM AWFUL IN THE KITCHEN. I did find this amazing mac n' cheese recipe on Pinterest.{here} Casey enjoys it about once every two weeks (in between fast food and restaurants). It's so easy! The only warning I will give is not to let your husband make it. Casey totally slacked on the cheese.
Last week we went to dinner at my parents and mac n' cheese was the requested side to bring. It slid out of the casserole dish carrier as I went to take it into the house. Sad.   

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

That One Time We Accidentally Got Engaged

Last June, Casey invited me to his company picnic. I said I didn't attend work parties until there was a ring on my finger. 
Somehow, I still ended up at the picnic.
 Casey's work does an auction with company dollars they earn throughout the year. Then they can bid on different things like t.v.'s, vacation getaways, iPads, everything. Sometimes there is a mystery prize. Apparently, the last mystery prize was a vacation to anywhere in the United States (including Hawaii!) 
The week before the picnic some of Case's co-workers began talking about THE MYSTERY PRIZE. Casey really talked it up to be something good. If you know Casey you know he is stingy with his dollars so he had more saved up than anyone else in the company and he wanted the mystery prize. . . 
So when we got to the picnic Casey's boss pulled me aside and asked if I would help play a little prank on Casey. I was in. :)


Things to Note:
1. The guy in the red behind us, totally in on it. He is funny to watch.
2. I kept saying "Are you serious?" . . Casey replied "no". He then followed with "this isn't it"
I said "Are you serious?!?" He said "yes, I'm serious. but NOT like this."
3. Casey and I had already discussed "the M word" hence my agreement to the prank. His "no's" in this video only made me question our impending bliss slightly. I think he likes me. ;)
4. Casey claims to have been so worried that I would think it was really how he planned on proposing. I wanted it more private, which is exactly what he did { here }
5. We really didn't kiss that long. My hair is just blocking our videographer. This was a work party after all. ;)
6. Many of Casey's co-workers still believe this was our actual engagement. We discussed it again at the holiday party.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Silver Scholar Award

As her LAST school year wraps up, Madison has had a few awards and scholarships. Unfortunately, her cheer team was in California the day they presented scholarships in an assembly. The next week, she was able to get her Silver Scholar Award.

I had to go to McKay Dee before heading west. When I got to her school, not even kidding, the only parking was down some random neighborhood street. I took off the heels and started RUNNING. I made it just as they started the M's! 

I'm so insanely proud of the cutest little shadow I know. She rocked that whole public education business and I can't wait to see what she decides to do for the rest of her life. She is going to have so much fun at Weber next year and I have a feeling is going to spend quite a bit of free time at the Holmes pad.

We love you mucho. Way to go!
Love, Case and Kal

We should also mention that this beautiful girl got a four year scholarship. That deserves a woot woot!

Crystal Crest Awards

Weber State had their annual Crystal Crest Awards on April 20 and Casey and I got invited. (We sound important now, don't we?)

The Crystal Crest Awards recognize students, professors, and community members who are super awesome and above all normal excellence. :) Casey's little sister Corie was nominated for Talent of the Year.

It was super fun. We were supposed to dress up like we were going to the Oscar's. Case and I take a more casual role on award ceremonies apparently. We had a way good time and Corie even got to meet Kirby Heybourne! (You know from 'The RM') He is the BOMB so you know I was jealous.

It was great to see Corie get recognized for all that she does and of course acclimate Casey to Weber State's campus again so he can go get his Master's.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Administrative Assistants Day

I'm posting way too many "gifts" in a row. I made this yesterday for our office manager at work. She loved it. {She said I should start a second job. 1. No time 2. Who would pay someone else to shop and wrap a present } Anyways, I did have fun so I wanted to remember what I made. It was beach themed and included: a beach bag, big fluffy beach towel, cup and straw, nail polishes, candy, sunscreen, and an iTunes gift card.
...Apparently, I can't wait for summer!
I ♡ our office manager. She makes my daily task list easier each day and she's super fun too. The other day she peeled 25 price stickers off boxes for me. My office stinks like orange death (goo gone) but it was sooo helpful! She's the bomb!

PS- I am not an idiot. Yes, I realize administrative is spelled wrong. I have too fat of fingers for my little phone. Boo. Not going back to fix it. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Graduate Gifts

At my work, we have 5 managers graduating.( 4 from Weber, 1 from Utah State) I convinced my boss it would be a great idea to not just get them something, but make them something fabulous! Luckily for me, the other directors think I'm the most crafty so I got put in charge. I love making gift baskets. Im kinda bummed I have no pictures of the finished product! This picture is one my friend Ben took before I put the wrap, card and gift card on. (And after he slid it across the room and half of it fell ;) I fixed it before wrapping it. No stress). In the basket is: 3 bags popcorn, 2013 grad cup, ice cream scoop, twizlers, chips, sparkling cider with 2 glasses, 3 large candy boxes, a king size candy bar, and starburst sprinkled through out. Of course, 4 were in purple totes for Weber, and one was blue for USU. On top was also a card and a Chili's gift card!
So proud of all the smarties I work with!
Stay tuned for the sibs grad presents later this week!

Love me a good party

Two weekends ago I had two parties right in a row. (Maybe it was three weekends. . . Whatever). The first one was a baby shower for our friends Al and Kacey. I had so much fun shopping and making this gift. I can't wait to have babies. I love baby shopping. Case loves me practicing buying things for other people's babies. ;) (just so we are clear. No babies for awhile, but shopping makes me want to change my mind)
Then I went to a norwex party. It's microfiber cleaning rags and holy heck my toilets are sparkling. . ..I hate being a grown up- sparkly toilets make me happy. But seriously, love the toilet bowl cleaner. Oh, and the rags are still in the package. Can't do too much cleaning in a day. Then the hubs would expect it!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Did I do Enough Today?

Today was an 11 hour workday.

It's fine. We've all worked them. But after 10.5 I realized that today Case and I have been married three months. I called my favorite Mr. to feel better that he forgot too. I know 3 months isn't a huge milestone, but forgetting made me feel horrible.

It's not like I could come home and rectify the situation either. Case is downstairs working as I type.

It's the perfect storm at the Holmes' house tonight. One of us is always working. I am not complaining. I love my job and I'm so grateful for it, but man I miss that man I call my husband.

Once upon a time, I heard a talk in church. The wife always had a to-do list ten miles long. (Why do we ladies do this to ourselves?) Each day, we only feel accomplished if we complete everything on the list. Instead of this to-do list, it's important to remind ourselves at the end of the day that it's not about everything getting done, but doing enough. Doing enough to be an example of Christ to those around you. Doing enough to make a difference in the world.

So tonight, dear husband, i'll pray that I did enough for you to know how much I love you. And showed you how grateful I am that you are mine for eternity.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

House Tour- Main Bathroom

I haven't done a super fab job at getting our house all put together. I had a huge list of things to do:
1. Paint all the walls before hanging anything
2. Add different baseboards. .and crown molding?

...okay so 2 things. BUT those are big things.. so I finally have decided it's time to just go with it. Neither of us have extra time to paint right now. So, the green kitchen walls are staying. For now. It's time to decorate and get this house complete.

I did decorate the bathroom a bit. Please excuse the tags you still see on some wedding gifts. I love new things. The tags remind me how nice they are so we can keep them that way.... and because Casey is still learning what a decor towel is. (To look at, not to use.)

So, that is the first completed room in our house. I would say come visit, but I would be inviting you to the one completed bathroom and that's awkward.  

First BIG Purchase

Case and I talked and talked about what we wanted to save our money for.

We decided against:

- a bedroom set (sorry, Mad. . . we are taking mine from my parent's house. My little sister is currently using it. Don't worry, she's not sad. She gets a new one)

- a truck: We are going to pay off the cars first 

- painting the house: we are going to do this a little at a time

- Vacation: Don't worry. We are starting to save for this now. We'll be world travelers soon!

BUT  what we really needed... was a new couch!

We have a golden retriever. Seriously, cutest dog ever. But homegirl sheds like crazy! Casey has fabric couches. It gets stuck. We have to vacuum them at least once a week. It sticks to our guests. It's bad!

So, we chose this little (BIG) beauty! 

 3PC4243GODIVAOPT1 Brown Upholstered 3-Piece Sectional
We looked and looked. Got stuck at a few furniture stores. (I feel extremely guilty shopping with commission sales folk. I feel bad not buying anything.)

Casey and I both had a pretty rigid list of wants.  1. Budget friendly 2. No dog hair stickins 3. Big- Mr. Holmes is 6 ft. None of those miniature couches would do. 4. Comfy 5. Big enough to lay down and cuddle. 

My friends, it meets all the requirements! We were a little worried it wasn't going to fit in our living room. We promptly came home and duct taped our floor as per the specifications given. (We are nerds.)

It will arrive on Wednesday and i'll then proceed to decorate around it! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2013 GOALS

Case and made a list of goals in January. They always say you do better if you write them down. And we are semi boring married folk now so we'll keep up with our goals via blog.

You can kinda tell which ones I wrote and which ones Casey wrote. I went for attainable. He went for accomplishment.

1. get married.
2. go to the temple- monthly
3. go to a foreign country
4. go to all church meetings
5. get marriage license
6. get moved in
7. redecorate the bedroom
8. redecorate the house
9. Case take the GMAT
10. Kalli...more school
11. continue our journal
12. read the Book of Mormon together
13. organize kitchen

I am happy to report that so far we have accomplished- - # 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13. 6 out of 13 is not bad! Although, my goals were more of a to do list..

We are working on #4. We HAVE gone to church every week, just still working on all 3 hours.

#6 has happened but oh my we just might give up on #7 and 8.

We can do these goals. We are almost half done. Ready team, Break! 

Lazy Miss Daisy

Hi, I'm Kalli and I'm addicted to laziness!

(First World Problems)

I'm addicted to being lazy. Seriously, something could be very wrong. I don't know what it is, but I am lazy. Each day I wake up at 7-7:30 depending on who is showering first, get ready and leave for work at about 8:30. My version of getting ready is clean clothes and hair- - a little make up. I feed the dog, but not my husband. I don't make lunches. Nothing. I work until 5-6. Then I go home. Once home, I do NOTHING. And that is my problem. I am sooo exhausted. I want to make dinner, I want to work out, I want to go on fun activities with Case.

But I am so dang tired!

I don't know what the problem is- - I've gotta make some changes.

1. Make a plan for the day and actually do the tasks on it.
     Peeps, the bed is not making itself! I have got to do it at least once this month. (Aimin' high I  tell ya.)
2. Make dinner. Crock pot meals, freezer meals, whatever!
3. Work out.. once this month. Even the thought is making me go comatose.
4. Say good-bye to my best friend.

I can do it... Oh, but it's going to be hard. If anyone has any addition cures for my laziness please help! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Low and Mellow

Introduction: My mom is kinda wild. She's a blast, but sometimes needs little reminders to remain calm.

Last week was our first Sunday in our new ward. I was nervous. I've never had a calling and I get pretty terrified around new people. So, before church I kept telling Casey he better keep it low and mellow. All week before church I'd say "low and mellow! Don't draw attention to us!"

For church, Casey wore black pants and a black sweater. MOST of my shoes are still at my parents so I wore a maxi skirt and gold sparkle Toms. Casey is certain this is what drew attention to us- my gold slippers. We were in the class for less then 2 minutes. We sat down and the conducting sister stood to introduce the lesson. She said, "it looks like we have some visitors and new people. Who are you?" and pointed right to us. So much for low and mellow.

Before the end of church meetings we met at least 7 families. They had each all learned all about us- names, jobs, phone numbers, social security number (not really on that one but man I felt known). We had met the Bishop- all during that last meeting he watched us intently. He was tickled pink for our arrival.

(Disclaimer:We felt so welcome. I really really love our ward. I just was nervous. They are so happy, friendly, positive and welcoming and we truly lucked out because I know it will be amazing. )

Fast forward to today. Less nervous, but still anxious. What was going to happen this week. The first hour Casey and I go to different classes. I went to Relief Society. I loved the lesson! At the end, they asked me to stand up and share facts about myself. Then the President took me and got me a manual and program so I could keep up with class. She also asked if I would participate in visiting teaching. I said yes. I'm way excited about it.

As I walked out of class, Casey came bouncing down the hall to greet me. Oh no, what happened in Priesthood? Sure enough, Casey had to stand and fact tell, AND had set up a meeting for us immediately following the three hour church block.

In our next class, we were asked to give the prayers- opening and closing.

(Disclaimer #2: Anxiety Attack. I don't like giving prayers. I don't think I'm good at them. I always miss something. )

As soon as they asked I said yes of course with no hesitation. That's not Kalli- like at all. I made Case do opening. And that was a poor idea because then I had to be scared all class long! The only dilemma was my leg was asleep upon class completion and I stumbled a little on my way up to the front. :)

We stood up in the next meeting as well. It's awkward. Everyone knows us, I don't remember most of them. I'm meeting too many way too fast.

Then we had our meeting. It was good. We were asked more get to know you questions and...oh yeah, asked to speak NEXT WEEK!

I have NEVER  spoke in church. EVER. I said yes right away again. What is going on with me?!

Then I realized, as much as I joked about "low and mellow" I don't want to be low and mellow. I love church, the gospel and my Heavenly Father and I want people to know that. I want to be an example for others around me and my future children.

So, talk in church. I've got this. Because I don't have to do it alone. I have back up from the one that knows me very best, my father in heaven and I'm so grateful for that. I'm so blessed and I want to shout about how blessed and loved I feel all the time. Because I know I've never been alone or forgotten and I know how loved I am. And I'm so thankful I have the opportunity to share the love I feel with others. And I'm grateful I am able to do so.

It'll be fun.

PS- we are topic-less. we get to pick. If you think of something, tell me now!

All Over Again

Last night my cell phone started ringing off the hook with work calls. I went in the other room for awhile to take care of things. I heard Case rustling but couldn't tell you what he was doing. I came out pretty tired, bummed because my work week got longer, and feeling overwhelmed and inadequate.

The dishes were done.

The laundry was folded.

The living room was picked up.

Leftovers were in the fridge.

The bed had turn down service.

And Casey was fast asleep on the couch.

I love being married.

Because everyday I get a chance to fall in love all over again.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Alto ---> More of A Suggestion Really

picture credit goes to google image. We never stopped for me to get one. 

 For our honeymoon, Case and I went to Mexico. It was super incred. And should and will be blogged about at some point. Anyways, the point of this post. 

Our first afternoon, we went on a shopping excursion on 5th Street in Playa Del Carmen. We rode in a van with quite the eclectic group. We'll discuss them in another post entirely. 

One girl, she was part of "Florida" got just a bit intoxicated (and by a bit I mean freakin hammered man). On the way home, we drove right by a stop sign. She says to the driver "Are stop signs more of a suggestion here?" ...Dead serious. I think it was one of those you had to be there type things but I was rolling. She was so drunk. Then we passed another "suggestion" and she said " ope, there's another suggestion." It was so funny. 

But not really... 

So, future reference- When driving in Cancun - Stop Signs - - - Optional
                                                                          -  Red Lights- - - Optional

And, yellow lights work just like here at home- Drive like hell. 

Monday, January 28, 2013


 We used this picture on our invitation. It's also going on our living room wall as soon as I find the tape measure to measure the frame so I can order the right size!

 This one makes me laugh so hard because of course, I'm geeking off and Casey is just done taking pictures.

Well hello friends.