Sunday, February 24, 2013

House Tour- Main Bathroom

I haven't done a super fab job at getting our house all put together. I had a huge list of things to do:
1. Paint all the walls before hanging anything
2. Add different baseboards. .and crown molding?

...okay so 2 things. BUT those are big things.. so I finally have decided it's time to just go with it. Neither of us have extra time to paint right now. So, the green kitchen walls are staying. For now. It's time to decorate and get this house complete.

I did decorate the bathroom a bit. Please excuse the tags you still see on some wedding gifts. I love new things. The tags remind me how nice they are so we can keep them that way.... and because Casey is still learning what a decor towel is. (To look at, not to use.)

So, that is the first completed room in our house. I would say come visit, but I would be inviting you to the one completed bathroom and that's awkward.  

First BIG Purchase

Case and I talked and talked about what we wanted to save our money for.

We decided against:

- a bedroom set (sorry, Mad. . . we are taking mine from my parent's house. My little sister is currently using it. Don't worry, she's not sad. She gets a new one)

- a truck: We are going to pay off the cars first 

- painting the house: we are going to do this a little at a time

- Vacation: Don't worry. We are starting to save for this now. We'll be world travelers soon!

BUT  what we really needed... was a new couch!

We have a golden retriever. Seriously, cutest dog ever. But homegirl sheds like crazy! Casey has fabric couches. It gets stuck. We have to vacuum them at least once a week. It sticks to our guests. It's bad!

So, we chose this little (BIG) beauty! 

 3PC4243GODIVAOPT1 Brown Upholstered 3-Piece Sectional
We looked and looked. Got stuck at a few furniture stores. (I feel extremely guilty shopping with commission sales folk. I feel bad not buying anything.)

Casey and I both had a pretty rigid list of wants.  1. Budget friendly 2. No dog hair stickins 3. Big- Mr. Holmes is 6 ft. None of those miniature couches would do. 4. Comfy 5. Big enough to lay down and cuddle. 

My friends, it meets all the requirements! We were a little worried it wasn't going to fit in our living room. We promptly came home and duct taped our floor as per the specifications given. (We are nerds.)

It will arrive on Wednesday and i'll then proceed to decorate around it! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2013 GOALS

Case and made a list of goals in January. They always say you do better if you write them down. And we are semi boring married folk now so we'll keep up with our goals via blog.

You can kinda tell which ones I wrote and which ones Casey wrote. I went for attainable. He went for accomplishment.

1. get married.
2. go to the temple- monthly
3. go to a foreign country
4. go to all church meetings
5. get marriage license
6. get moved in
7. redecorate the bedroom
8. redecorate the house
9. Case take the GMAT
10. Kalli...more school
11. continue our journal
12. read the Book of Mormon together
13. organize kitchen

I am happy to report that so far we have accomplished- - # 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13. 6 out of 13 is not bad! Although, my goals were more of a to do list..

We are working on #4. We HAVE gone to church every week, just still working on all 3 hours.

#6 has happened but oh my we just might give up on #7 and 8.

We can do these goals. We are almost half done. Ready team, Break! 

Lazy Miss Daisy

Hi, I'm Kalli and I'm addicted to laziness!

(First World Problems)

I'm addicted to being lazy. Seriously, something could be very wrong. I don't know what it is, but I am lazy. Each day I wake up at 7-7:30 depending on who is showering first, get ready and leave for work at about 8:30. My version of getting ready is clean clothes and hair- - a little make up. I feed the dog, but not my husband. I don't make lunches. Nothing. I work until 5-6. Then I go home. Once home, I do NOTHING. And that is my problem. I am sooo exhausted. I want to make dinner, I want to work out, I want to go on fun activities with Case.

But I am so dang tired!

I don't know what the problem is- - I've gotta make some changes.

1. Make a plan for the day and actually do the tasks on it.
     Peeps, the bed is not making itself! I have got to do it at least once this month. (Aimin' high I  tell ya.)
2. Make dinner. Crock pot meals, freezer meals, whatever!
3. Work out.. once this month. Even the thought is making me go comatose.
4. Say good-bye to my best friend.

I can do it... Oh, but it's going to be hard. If anyone has any addition cures for my laziness please help! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Low and Mellow

Introduction: My mom is kinda wild. She's a blast, but sometimes needs little reminders to remain calm.

Last week was our first Sunday in our new ward. I was nervous. I've never had a calling and I get pretty terrified around new people. So, before church I kept telling Casey he better keep it low and mellow. All week before church I'd say "low and mellow! Don't draw attention to us!"

For church, Casey wore black pants and a black sweater. MOST of my shoes are still at my parents so I wore a maxi skirt and gold sparkle Toms. Casey is certain this is what drew attention to us- my gold slippers. We were in the class for less then 2 minutes. We sat down and the conducting sister stood to introduce the lesson. She said, "it looks like we have some visitors and new people. Who are you?" and pointed right to us. So much for low and mellow.

Before the end of church meetings we met at least 7 families. They had each all learned all about us- names, jobs, phone numbers, social security number (not really on that one but man I felt known). We had met the Bishop- all during that last meeting he watched us intently. He was tickled pink for our arrival.

(Disclaimer:We felt so welcome. I really really love our ward. I just was nervous. They are so happy, friendly, positive and welcoming and we truly lucked out because I know it will be amazing. )

Fast forward to today. Less nervous, but still anxious. What was going to happen this week. The first hour Casey and I go to different classes. I went to Relief Society. I loved the lesson! At the end, they asked me to stand up and share facts about myself. Then the President took me and got me a manual and program so I could keep up with class. She also asked if I would participate in visiting teaching. I said yes. I'm way excited about it.

As I walked out of class, Casey came bouncing down the hall to greet me. Oh no, what happened in Priesthood? Sure enough, Casey had to stand and fact tell, AND had set up a meeting for us immediately following the three hour church block.

In our next class, we were asked to give the prayers- opening and closing.

(Disclaimer #2: Anxiety Attack. I don't like giving prayers. I don't think I'm good at them. I always miss something. )

As soon as they asked I said yes of course with no hesitation. That's not Kalli- like at all. I made Case do opening. And that was a poor idea because then I had to be scared all class long! The only dilemma was my leg was asleep upon class completion and I stumbled a little on my way up to the front. :)

We stood up in the next meeting as well. It's awkward. Everyone knows us, I don't remember most of them. I'm meeting too many way too fast.

Then we had our meeting. It was good. We were asked more get to know you questions and...oh yeah, asked to speak NEXT WEEK!

I have NEVER  spoke in church. EVER. I said yes right away again. What is going on with me?!

Then I realized, as much as I joked about "low and mellow" I don't want to be low and mellow. I love church, the gospel and my Heavenly Father and I want people to know that. I want to be an example for others around me and my future children.

So, talk in church. I've got this. Because I don't have to do it alone. I have back up from the one that knows me very best, my father in heaven and I'm so grateful for that. I'm so blessed and I want to shout about how blessed and loved I feel all the time. Because I know I've never been alone or forgotten and I know how loved I am. And I'm so thankful I have the opportunity to share the love I feel with others. And I'm grateful I am able to do so.

It'll be fun.

PS- we are topic-less. we get to pick. If you think of something, tell me now!

All Over Again

Last night my cell phone started ringing off the hook with work calls. I went in the other room for awhile to take care of things. I heard Case rustling but couldn't tell you what he was doing. I came out pretty tired, bummed because my work week got longer, and feeling overwhelmed and inadequate.

The dishes were done.

The laundry was folded.

The living room was picked up.

Leftovers were in the fridge.

The bed had turn down service.

And Casey was fast asleep on the couch.

I love being married.

Because everyday I get a chance to fall in love all over again.