Friday, June 21, 2013

Work It

I'll be super honest. Aside from taking dance, in which I exerted as little energy as possible, I have never worked out. There would be a day here and there. I've bought items from every infomercial, but they look much better before being utilized.

One of my co workers wanted to start a workout program each day before work.

Doing P90X.

I'm not going to pretend I'm any kind of Richard Simmons. I am insanely proud of myself for getting to work by 7:30 each morning and attempting each exercise!

So week 1 is done. Obviously, my Friday workout clothing is a bit more opinionated thanks to Nike. But I was there! My legs will tell you all about it!

One day, I'm going to rock a hawt bikini bod!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Birthday Present Ideas for the Hubs- Help!

Casey's birthday is in one month and one day. I begin planing his birthday and presents in about May (before my birthday). Last year, you can see Casey's birthday here { Part 1 ,  Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4 } This year, I HAVE NO IDEAS. None.

That's a lie. I have ideas. I just don't know if I love any of them.

1. A cruise. It sailed on his actual birthday. This one I had to talk to him about. He wasn't super into it and thinks we should do it for our anniversary instead. Which is fine, since I can eat junk all summer then work on my swimsuit bod in the fall. :)

2. A recliner. But he is sooo picky. He has sat in at least 75 different chairs at the store and not liked any. I am not picking that out alone!

3. Camping gear- again it has to be specific and I don't want to get it wrong. . . I may still go with this idea. So if you have great camping stuff you love tell me what it is.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated people! I'm lost.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Seriously, he is the cutest ever. He was so proud of his matching! No one tell him they are WAY different oranges!

He is my favorite!

May Goals Follow Up. . .

May was long and I am sooo glad it's over. It was a little busy and stressful for this old gal, but accountability improves actions so here is how my goals went:
1. Read the scriptures more. This was a big fat fail and you better believe it's being continued to a June goal.
2.Cook 5 new meals. . . I think I was at 3. oops. 
3. Go to the Temple. Super ridic that we live in Utah and failed this one. And unacceptable for sure. 
4. Finish wedding thank you cards. ...this failure is getting worse. We are on page two of 8! Progress is key. 
5. Drink less soda.. if I haven't had a soda by 12 I start fading. But eventually I'll get there! 
6. Sack lunch. This goal is a joke. Never did it. Oh wait, I did once. . . for the whole month
7. I most definitely accomplished this goal. My mom turned 50! Now all that's missing is the posts on her fabulosity. 

So May was definitely not my best. I do however think it's important to set goals and go over them when they are supposed to be finished. I do feel like we did so much in May so I think June will go better. It's June 4 so let's get some June goals up!

Summer Softball Nights

Summer at our house begins with lots of softball. Last year when we were dating I went to tons of Casey's games. This year last week was my first one. Sorry husband!
Case is playing on two teams this year. Which is a sharp decline from the 5 last year.
Last thursday they won both games! Go husb.
Here's the funny thing though- if they are so many points ahead after certain innings they call the game due to the run rule. Well, the boys dont like that because then they don't get to play the whole hour so after 3 or 4 innings they all switch positions. The new pitcher usually hits the player, Case misses flies, and Matt and Case try to help each other then miss things.
....yeah, they still won.