Sunday, February 24, 2013

First BIG Purchase

Case and I talked and talked about what we wanted to save our money for.

We decided against:

- a bedroom set (sorry, Mad. . . we are taking mine from my parent's house. My little sister is currently using it. Don't worry, she's not sad. She gets a new one)

- a truck: We are going to pay off the cars first 

- painting the house: we are going to do this a little at a time

- Vacation: Don't worry. We are starting to save for this now. We'll be world travelers soon!

BUT  what we really needed... was a new couch!

We have a golden retriever. Seriously, cutest dog ever. But homegirl sheds like crazy! Casey has fabric couches. It gets stuck. We have to vacuum them at least once a week. It sticks to our guests. It's bad!

So, we chose this little (BIG) beauty! 

 3PC4243GODIVAOPT1 Brown Upholstered 3-Piece Sectional
We looked and looked. Got stuck at a few furniture stores. (I feel extremely guilty shopping with commission sales folk. I feel bad not buying anything.)

Casey and I both had a pretty rigid list of wants.  1. Budget friendly 2. No dog hair stickins 3. Big- Mr. Holmes is 6 ft. None of those miniature couches would do. 4. Comfy 5. Big enough to lay down and cuddle. 

My friends, it meets all the requirements! We were a little worried it wasn't going to fit in our living room. We promptly came home and duct taped our floor as per the specifications given. (We are nerds.)

It will arrive on Wednesday and i'll then proceed to decorate around it! 

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