Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You Ran Into What?

Prefix: Currently, I live with my parents.

Justification: I got a new job last month and Case and I aren't getting married til January giving me a 4 month gap.

Just so it's clear: Love it. Love them and I'm so grateful I get a bedroom. And food. And my family's funny.


They live a bit west of civilization. We have a pet goat. Neighbors have chickens. That kind of place.

So, you never know what you are going to see when driving home.

Historically, I'm usually the last one home. Once I almost ran into a black cow! It was in the road. I'm not that bad of a driver. It was in my space, not me in hers. Just clarifying. We then had to go rope it and put it away. That however was at least a year ago, so I had long forgotten to LOOK OUT.

I've been reminded.

In the past two weeks, I've almost hit 2 (underline, bold!!!) skunks! 2! The first one was running across the road and I had to slam on my brakes. It was at the earliest 11:30 at night so way to go fast reflexes on that stop. And, I'm soo lucky it didn't spray.

Then, not even 3 days later, skunk again. This time at least he was walking on the side of the road. I still had to slow way down so I didn't spook the fella.

So that brings us almost to the point of the story. Me driving home late the other night. Seriously, thought I was off my rocker. I may have been driving fast. I was so far beyond tired. I needed to get home. It was pitch black. Not kidding, here come 3 HORSES down the middle of the road right in front of my car. RUNNING! I was so scared I'd lost my mind.

Ran home, got my day and some rope. Yes, they were our horses running down the road. By the way there were 4 not 3, no idea how I didn't hit the 4th one.

Naughty horses that can unlock the gate got put it in a different pen for the night.

And it's now normal for ANYTHING to be coming down the road.

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