Sunday, July 28, 2013

August 2013 Goals

July was apparently not a great goal setting month for me. Time just passed way too quickly. ( or insert your own lam.e excuse here)

Therefore, I am starting August goals a little early. I need a 3 day head start! I really like to write my goals and post it because I feel like then I have to do it. It's awkward if I don't. Also, you may look at my goals and think they are way lame and easy. I set small goals. I'm into attaining them. :)

1. Blog More- at least once a week. I want a book of awesome! I plan on making a book each year for our anniversary. After I start completing this goal maybe I'll add in some old stuff
2. Schedule Better- at work. at home. I swear I'm always in a scramble. I can't do it much longer peeps. I need to be ahead of life curve balls.
3. Spend Less, Save More. This one is of course put in place by the accountant. We eat out way too much. It's that scheduling this coming back to bite me. Each week we have a budget that we can't spend over. It includes going out to lunches or dinner, ordering food in, gas money, house decor, etc. It does not include groceries. Thank goodness!
4. Learn to Coupon. I don't plan on being a crazy couponer and hitting up multiple stores. I just do not have the smarts or patience and energy for that. Even just using a few coupons here and there. $5 saved is $5 for Dirty Coke! Yeah Buddy!
5. Exercise 20 minutes, 3 x/wk. We started this and really did okay. After our 5k we took an extended break and haven't gotten back to it.
6. Cook dinner 2 x/wk. I am not a chef. It is just not an ability I have. I am workin on it!
7. Eat better. Some of our goals mesh together. If I cook more, we eat at home which is healthier and better for us. If I coupon I can get more groceries for cheaper and not feel like I am wasting money on food I'll forget to cook.

Does anyone else have to set goals in order to feel accomplished? If I don't I just wonder what the heck I wasted my life on this month.

1 comment:

  1. I love your goal posts. I put in my planner things that I have to do that month. Like things that I always say I am going to do but never do. If I put a few down in my planner than when I am scheduling stuff I make sure to schedule those in!
