Sunday, September 23, 2012

Family Weight Loss Challenge Competition

Right after Case and I got engaged we (my parents, Case and I (Madison just rolls her eyes and plays along)) decided it was time for "Family Diet". Now don't get me wrong, I don't plan on being stick skinny. It's just not my body type, but I would like to be LGN- ya know?
So....Family Diet goes like this. Everyone puts $20 into the diet jar. Whoever loses 10% of their body weight first gets ALL the money. (5 people = $100) Now do you see why Madi plays along?
Our levels of commitment vary. I'm pretty sure both the men folk say the word "diet" and immediately drop ten pounds! So frustrating.
I may need a little encouragement. I love food! A LOT! No reward will ever stop me from loving this! I just need to learn to love healthy foods.

Here's the rules:

Yes, we do hang them on the fridge. We are THAT classy.

The foods I should cut out of my diet include:

- Coca Cola Classic
- McDonald's
- french fries, bread, chips, and pasta
- Coke!!!

I hope I can do this. I love me some soda. After all, it's drink-ability did just official get approved.

...wish me luck! I'll need that $100 to buy some new pants!

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